Apiceutical Research Centre

Why a Global Propolis Survey

  1. Multi Drug Resistance
    Modern Medicine is in crisis.  In 2019 4.9 million people died globally from anti biotic resistance . Multi Drug Resistance is one of  WHO’s Top Ten Global Health Problems.
  2. Masking a deeper problem
    Antibiotic resistance masks a much deeper and more fundamental concern for human health – the progressive erosion of our natural immune system which enables the human body to adapt develop and evolve.
  3. The honeybee’s immune system
    Propolis is the honeybee’s threefold immune defence system – physically strengthening and defending the hive, socially maintaining the colony’s communal hygiene and at a cellular level  balancing the challenge of microbes.
  4. No single  active component
    In over 100 years of modern research no single ‘active ingredient’ has been discovered in propolis. The secret of propolis lies in the interrelatedness of the whole.  Everywhere  the bees collect a bouquet of  local resins (the plants immune defence ) which provides them with the raw material for their own unique, ecologically, and sustainably balanced immune defence system.
  5. Propolis  –  From Anti To Pro 
    In confirming the anti-properties of propolis (antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal) we have discovered  that propolis does not work by targeted destruction but by disarming, disabling, and discriminating  i.e., balancing, and adapting.  
  6. Propolis – an ecological response
    Propolis from temperate zones has stronger antioxidant properties , propolis from sub-tropical areas is more anti-microbial pointing towards a  geographical  or ecological medicine from the honeybee.
  7. A bridge to the human ecology
    Human beings are also part of their local context, regional ecology, climatic zone. The environmental challenge that bees face is close to that faced by human beings. But we need to know much more about the relationship between local ecology, chemistry and biology and clinical efficacy in humans of propolis from different  climatic zones and regions. Hence the need for a Global Propolis Survey –  GPS

Global Propolis Survey

  1. Collect samples from every region and country in the world where the honeybee collects propolis
  2. Collect accurate GPS data of all samples submitted  
  3. Collect details of how propolis has been collected
  4. Collect comprehensive  data relating to local ecology (geography, climate, and flora) in sample collection areas.
  5. Collect evidence of local use of propolis in sample collection areas
  6. Liaise with WHO and local/regional governmental and health authorities to collect local health demographics in sample collection areas
  7. Design a range of  appropriate chemical and biological tests for all samples submitted
  8. Establish a consortium of appropriately equipped IPRG  related laboratories situated around the world where propolis samples can be analysed chemically and biologically.
  9. Create world map of propolis which relates chemistry of propolis to biological properties of propolis.
  10. Correlate  chemical and biological data of specific samples with local health demographics.
  11. Produce and publish a WORLD PROPOLIS MAP
  12. ARC will seek funding for the project from international research funds.

Can You Help?

Thank You

James Fearnley